Industry Info

The price and equipment configuration of organic fertilizer production equipment for cow manure


The pollution generated by animal husbandry has become the main source of pollution in rural areas of China. The huge amount of data on livestock and poultry production cannot be ignored. If not handled properly, it will cause serious pollution to the environment. For example, if animal manure is not treated in a timely manner, it can cause serious pollution to surface water, groundwater, soil, and air.

The production equipment for cow manure organic fertilizer has a compact process layout, scientific rationality, advanced technology, energy conservation and consumption reduction, no three emissions, stable operation, reliable operation, convenient maintenance, and wide adaptability to raw materials. Adapting to various ratios of organic compound fertilizers, bio organic fertilizers, urban sludge, household waste organic fertilizers, etc., is a promotion project of practical environmental protection technology in the country.

The small-scale cow manure organic fertilizer production line has simple and complete configurations, which only require crushing, stirring, granulation, screening, and packaging processes. The entire set of equipment only costs tens of thousands of yuan, which is suitable for customers who do not have sufficient funds in the early stage. When there is sufficient funds in the later stage, they can add a flipper, dryer, cooler, and coating machine to form a complete organic fertilizer production line.

The price of organic fertilizer production lines varies depending on the equipment you need, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of yuan. This is mainly determined by the type of finished product and production volume you need. For example, if only one flipping machine is needed for aerobic fermentation treatment of livestock and poultry manure, it only requires tens of thousands of yuan to purchase a flipping machine. However, if you want to equip a complete set of equipment, the cost may start at tens of thousands of yuan.